HostHatch -大盘鸡LAX3 虚拟机迁移到新的存储节点


HostHatch的洛杉矶大盘鸡官方发送通知要进行新的迁移计划。新机器将免费提供RAID-10磁盘阵列用于数据存储,20GB NVMe 磁盘用于安装操作系统。







Hi there,

We would like to invite you to move your Storage VM with the IP address xx.xx.xx.xx to our new RAID-10 based plans. The new plans come with much better performance and redundancy, along with a 20GB NVMe disk for the OS, as most modern operating systems do not perform great on spinning disks. Due to the size of Storage VMs, an automated migration is not possible. However, we can offer you the following options:

1) Create a new VM with identical specifications and a new IP address. Both your old/current and new VMs will remain online for 14 days. We will shut down the old VM after this, or earlier if you inform us that you have moved over the data. At this time, we can move over your old IP address to the new VM, if that is needed.

2) We can remove your current VM, and create a new one with identical specifications with the same IP address. In this case, you will need to restore the data from your own backups. Please let us know how you wish to proceed.

We look forward to providing you with a much-improved upgrade at no additional cost. :)

Please let us know if you have questions or concerns.

Best Regards,
Lara G.
HostHatch Support




我们想邀请您将 IP 地址为 xx.xx.xx.xx 的存储虚拟机移至我们新的基于 RAID-10 的计划。新计划具有更好的性能和冗余度,并为操作系统配备了 20GB NVMe 磁盘,因为大多数现代操作系统在旋转磁盘上的性能并不好。由于存储虚拟机的大小,无法进行自动迁移。但是,我们可以为您提供以下选项:

1) 创建具有相同规格和新 IP 地址的新 VM。您的旧/当前 VM 和新 VM 都将保持在线 14 天。我们将在此之后关闭旧 VM,如果您通知我们您已转移数据,我们将提前关闭。此时,如果需要,我们可以将您的旧 IP 地址转移到新 VM。

2) 我们可以删除您当前的虚拟机,并创建一个具有相同规格和相同 IP 地址的新虚拟机。在这种情况下,您需要从自己的备份中恢复数据。请告诉我们您希望如何继续。





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