apt-get install -y xz-utils openssl gawk file wget screen && screen -S os
yum install -y xz openssl gawk file glibc-common wget screen && screen -S os
yum makecache && yum update -y
apt update -y && apt dist-upgrade -y
wget --no-check-certificate -O NewReinstall.sh https://git.io/newbetags && chmod a+x NewReinstall.sh && bash NewReinstall.sh
wget --no-check-certificate -O NewReinstall.sh https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/fcurrk/reinstall@master/NewReinstall.sh && chmod a+x NewReinstall.sh && bash NewReinstall.sh
输入Y确认DD后主机自动获取IP,N则自行设置IP 输入N后会自动检测出主机现用IP,如果正确可以按Y确认使用,如不正确则按N自行按正确的输入。
41合1的系统一键DD选择界面,输入99则使用自定义镜像。 以上系统密码不为默认密码的均为网络收集,如有疑虑使用自己的自定义镜像。
1、CentOS 7.7 (已关闭防火墙及SELinux,默认密码Pwd@CentOS)
2、CentOS 7 (默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
3、CentOS 7 (支持ARM64、UEFI,默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
4、CentOS 8 (默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
5、Rocky 8 (默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
6、Rocky 8 (支持UEFI,默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
7、Rocky 8 (支持ARM64、UEFI,默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
8、CentOS 9 (默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
9、CentOS 6 (官方源原版,默认密码Minijer.com)
10、Debian 11 (官方源原版,默认密码Minijer.com)
11、Debian 10 (官方源原版,默认密码Minijer.com)
12、Debian 9 (官方源原版,默认密码Minijer.com)
13、Debian 8 (官方源原版,默认密码Minijer.com)
14、Ubuntu 20.04 (官方源原版,默认密码Minijer.com)
15、Ubuntu 18.04 (官方源原版,默认密码Minijer.com)
16、Ubuntu 16.04 (官方源原版,默认密码Minijer.com)
17、Windows Server 2022 (默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
18、Windows Server 2022 (支持UEFI,默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
19、Windows Server 2019 (默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
20、Windows Server 2016 (默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
21、Windows Server 2012 (默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
22、Windows Server 2008 (默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
23、Windows Server 2003 (默认密码cxthhhhh.com)
24、Windows 10 LTSC (默认密码Teddysun.com)
25、Windows 10 LTSC (支持UEFI,默认密码Teddysun.com)
26、Windows 7 x86 Lite (默认密码nat.ee)
27、Windows 7 x86 Lite (阿里云专用,默认密码nat.ee)
28、Windows 7 x64 Lite (默认密码nat.ee)
29、Windows 7 x64 Lite (支持UEFI,默认密码nat.ee)
30、Windows 10 LTSC Lite (默认密码nat.ee)
31、Windows 10 LTSC Lite (阿里云专用,默认密码nat.ee)
32、Windows 10 LTSC Lite (支持UEFI,默认密码nat.ee)
33、Windows Server 2003 Lite (C盘默认10G,默认密码WinSrv2003x86-Chinese)
34、Windows Server 2008 Lite (默认密码nat.ee)
35、Windows Server 2008 Lite (支持UEFI,默认密码nat.ee)
36、Windows Server 2012 Lite (默认密码nat.ee)
37、Windows Server 2012 Lite (支持UEFI,默认密码nat.ee)
38、Windows Server 2016 Lite (默认密码nat.ee)
39、Windows Server 2016 Lite (支持UEFI,默认密码nat.ee)
40、Windows Server 2022 Lite (默认密码nat.ee)
41、Windows Server 2022 Lite (支持UEFI,默认密码nat.ee)
Oracle Cloud(甲骨文云)可选择支持UEFI的镜像,注意基础系统最好选择Ubuntu,如原系统是CentOS可能无法成功,注意如是ARM机器注意选择同时支持ARM64和UEFI的镜像。
报错Error! grub.cfg.解决办法
mkdir /boot/grub2 && grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
#!/bin/sh if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then clear echo "Error: This script must be run as root!" 1>&2 exit 1 fi function CopyRight() { clear echo "########################################################" echo "# #" echo "# New Reinstall Script #" echo "# #" echo "# Author: Minijer & hiCasper #" echo "# Last Modified: 2022-07-24 #" echo "# #" echo "# Shell By MoeClub #" echo "# #" echo "########################################################" echo -e "n" } function isValidIp() { local ip=$1 local ret=1 if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then ip=(${ip//./ }) [[ ${ip[0]} -le 255 && ${ip[1]} -le 255 && ${ip[2]} -le 255 && ${ip[3]} -le 255 ]] ret=$? fi return $ret } function ipCheck() { isLegal=0 for add in $MAINIP $GATEWAYIP $NETMASK; do isValidIp $add if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then isLegal=1 fi done return $isLegal } function GetIp() { MAINIP=$(ip route get 1 | awk -F 'src ' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}') GATEWAYIP=$(ip route | grep default | awk '{print $3}') SUBNET=$(ip -o -f inet addr show | awk '/scope global/{sub(/[^.]+//,"0/",$4);print $4}' | head -1 | awk -F '/' '{print $2}') value=$(( 0xffffffff ^ ((1 << (32 - $SUBNET)) - 1) )) NETMASK="$(( (value >> 24) & 0xff )).$(( (value >> 16) & 0xff )).$(( (value >> 8) & 0xff )).$(( value & 0xff ))" } function UpdateIp() { read -r -p "Your IP: " MAINIP read -r -p "Your Gateway: " GATEWAYIP read -r -p "Your Netmask: " NETMASK } function SetNetwork() { isAuto='0' if [[ -f '/etc/network/interfaces' ]];then [[ ! -z "$(sed -n '/iface.*inet static/p' /etc/network/interfaces)" ]] && isAuto='1' [[ -d /etc/network/interfaces.d ]] && { cfgNum="$(find /etc/network/interfaces.d -name '*.cfg' |wc -l)" || cfgNum='0' [[ "$cfgNum" -ne '0' ]] && { for netConfig in `ls -1 /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg` do [[ ! -z "$(cat $netConfig | sed -n '/iface.*inet static/p')" ]] && isAuto='1' done } } fi if [[ -d '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts' ]];then cfgNum="$(find /etc/network/interfaces.d -name '*.cfg' |wc -l)" || cfgNum='0' [[ "$cfgNum" -ne '0' ]] && { for netConfig in `ls -1 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* | grep -v 'lo$' | grep -v ':[0-9]{1,}'` do [[ ! -z "$(cat $netConfig | sed -n '/BOOTPROTO.*[sS][tT][aA][tT][iI][cC]/p')" ]] && isAuto='1' done } fi } function NetMode() { CopyRight if [ "$isAuto" == '0' ]; then read -r -p "Using DHCP to configure network automatically? [Y/n]:" input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) NETSTR='' ;; [nN][oO]|[nN]) isAuto='1' ;; *) clear; echo "Canceled by user!"; exit 1;; esac fi if [ "$isAuto" == '1' ]; then GetIp ipCheck if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "Error occurred when detecting ip. Please input manually.n" UpdateIp else CopyRight echo "IP: $MAINIP" echo "Gateway: $GATEWAYIP" echo "Netmask: $NETMASK" echo -e "n" read -r -p "Confirm? [Y/n]:" input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) ;; [nN][oO]|[nN]) echo -e "n" UpdateIp ipCheck [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && { clear echo -e "Input error!n" exit 1 } ;; *) clear; echo "Canceled by user!"; exit 1;; esac fi NETSTR="--ip-addr ${MAINIP} --ip-gate ${GATEWAYIP} --ip-mask ${NETMASK}" fi } function Start() { CopyRight isCN='0' geoip=$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- https://api.myip.com | grep ""country":"China"") if [[ "$geoip" != "" ]];then isCN='1' fi if [ "$isAuto" == '0' ]; then echo "Using DHCP mode." else echo "IP: $MAINIP" echo "Gateway: $GATEWAYIP" echo "Netmask: $NETMASK" fi [[ "$isCN" == '1' ]] && echo "Using domestic mode." if [ -f "/tmp/InstallNET.sh" ]; then rm -f /tmp/InstallNET.sh fi if [[ "$isCN" == '1' ]]; then wget --no-check-certificate -qO /tmp/InstallNET.sh 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/fcurrk/reinstall@master/InstallNET.sh' && chmod a+x /tmp/InstallNET.sh else wget --no-check-certificate -qO /tmp/InstallNET.sh 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fcurrk/reinstall/master/InstallNET.sh' && chmod a+x /tmp/InstallNET.sh fi CMIRROR='' CVMIRROR='' DMIRROR='' UMIRROR='' SYSMIRROR1='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/veip007/CentOS-7.img.gz' SYSMIRROR2='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/CentOS_7.X_x64_Legacy_NetInstallation_Final_v9.8.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR3='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/CentOS_7.X_ARM64_UEFI_NetInstallation_Final_v9.11.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR4='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/CentOS_8.X_x64_Legacy_NetInstallation_Stable_v6.8.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR5='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/Rocky_8.X_x64_Legacy_NetInstallation_Stable_v6.8.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR6='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/Rocky_8.X_x64_UEFI_NetInstallation_Stable_v6.9.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR7='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/Rocky_8.X_ARM64_UEFI_NetInstallation_Stable_v6.11.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR8='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/CentOS_9.X_x64_Legacy_NetInstallation_Stable_v1.6.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR17='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2022_DataCenter_CN_v2.12.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR18='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2022_DataCenter_CN_v2.12_UEFI.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR19='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2019_DataCenter_CN_v5.1.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR20='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2016_DataCenter_CN_v4.12.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR21='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2012R2_DataCenter_CN_v4.29.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR22='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2008R2_DataCenter_CN_v3.27.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR23='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2003_DataCenter_CN_v7.1.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR24='https://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/teddysun/zh-cn_windows10_ltsc.xz' SYSMIRROR25='https://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/teddysun/uefi/zh-cn_win10_ltsc_uefi.xz' SYSMIRROR26='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win7/guajibao/VirtAll-win7-sp1-ent/VirtAll-win7-sp1-ent-x86-cn.vhd.gzz' SYSMIRROR27='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win7/guajibao/guajibao-win7-sp1-ent-x86-cn-aliyun.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR28='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win7/guajibao/VirtAll-win7-sp1-ent/VirtAll-win7-sp1-ent-x64-cn.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR29='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win7/guajibao/guajibao-win7-sp1-ent-x64-cn-efi.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR30='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win10/guajibao/guajibao-win10-ent-ltsc-2021-x64-cn.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR31='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win10/guajibao/guajibao-win10-ent-ltsc-2021-x64-cn-aliyun.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR32='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win10/guajibao/guajibao-win10-ent-ltsc-2021-x64-cn-efi.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR33='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2003/10G/WinSrv2003x86-Chinese-C10G.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR34='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2008x64/lite/winsrv2008r2-data-sp1-x64-cn.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR35='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2008x64/lite/winsrv2008r2-data-sp1-x64-cn-efi.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR36='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2012r2x64/guajibao/guajibao-winsrv2012r2-data-x64-cn.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR37='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2012r2x64/guajibao/guajibao-winsrv2012r2-data-x64-cn-efi.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR38='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2016x64/guajibao/guajibao-winsrv2016-data-x64-cn.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR39='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2016x64/guajibao/guajibao-winsrv2016-data-x64-cn-efi.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR40='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2022x64/guajibao/guajibao-winsrv2022-data-x64-cn.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR41='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2022x64/guajibao/guajibao-winsrv2022-data-x64-cn-efi.vhd.gz' if [[ "$isCN" == '1' ]];then CMIRROR="--mirror http://mirrors.aliyun.com/centos/" CVMIRROR="--mirror http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos-vault/" DMIRROR="--mirror http://mirrors.aliyun.com/debian/" UMIRROR="--mirror http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu/" SYSMIRROR1='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/veip007/CentOS-7.img.gz' SYSMIRROR2='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/CentOS_7.X_x64_Legacy_NetInstallation_Final_v9.8.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR3='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/CentOS_7.X_ARM64_UEFI_NetInstallation_Final_v9.11.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR4='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/CentOS_8.X_x64_Legacy_NetInstallation_Stable_v6.8.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR5='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/Rocky_8.X_x64_Legacy_NetInstallation_Stable_v6.8.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR6='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/Rocky_8.X_x64_UEFI_NetInstallation_Stable_v6.9.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR7='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/Rocky_8.X_ARM64_UEFI_NetInstallation_Stable_v6.11.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR8='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/CentOS_9.X_x64_Legacy_NetInstallation_Stable_v1.6.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR17='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2022_DataCenter_CN_v2.12.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR18='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2022_DataCenter_CN_v2.12_UEFI.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR19='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2019_DataCenter_CN_v5.1.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR20='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2016_DataCenter_CN_v4.12.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR21='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2012R2_DataCenter_CN_v4.29.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR22='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2008R2_DataCenter_CN_v3.27.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR23='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/cxthhhhh/new/Disk_Windows_Server_2003_DataCenter_CN_v7.1.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR24='https://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/teddysun/zh-cn_windows10_ltsc.xz' SYSMIRROR25='https://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/teddysun/uefi/zh-cn_win10_ltsc_uefi.xz' SYSMIRROR26='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win7/guajibao/VirtAll-win7-sp1-ent/VirtAll-win7-sp1-ent-x86-cn.vhd.gzz' SYSMIRROR27='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win7/guajibao/guajibao-win7-sp1-ent-x86-cn-aliyun.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR28='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win7/guajibao/VirtAll-win7-sp1-ent/VirtAll-win7-sp1-ent-x64-cn.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR29='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win7/guajibao/guajibao-win7-sp1-ent-x64-cn-efi.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR30='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win10/guajibao/guajibao-win10-ent-ltsc-2021-x64-cn.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR31='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win10/guajibao/guajibao-win10-ent-ltsc-2021-x64-cn-aliyun.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR32='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/Win10/guajibao/guajibao-win10-ent-ltsc-2021-x64-cn-efi.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR33='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2003/10G/WinSrv2003x86-Chinese-C10G.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR34='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2008x64/lite/winsrv2008r2-data-sp1-x64-cn.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR35='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2008x64/lite/winsrv2008r2-data-sp1-x64-cn-efi.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR36='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2012r2x64/guajibao/guajibao-winsrv2012r2-data-x64-cn.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR37='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2012r2x64/guajibao/guajibao-winsrv2012r2-data-x64-cn-efi.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR38='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2016x64/guajibao/guajibao-winsrv2016-data-x64-cn.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR39='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2016x64/guajibao/guajibao-winsrv2016-data-x64-cn-efi.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR40='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2022x64/guajibao/guajibao-winsrv2022-data-x64-cn.vhd.gz' SYSMIRROR41='http://disk.29296819.xyz/d/dd/os/laosiji/WinSrv2022x64/guajibao/guajibao-winsrv2022-data-x64-cn-efi.vhd.gz' fi echo -e "nPlease select an OS:" echo " 1) CentOS 7.7 [X64-Legacy-ext4-cxthhhhh]" echo " 2) CentOS 7 [X64-Legacy-cxthhhhh]" echo " 3) CentOS 7 [ARM64-UEFI-cxthhhhh]" echo " 4) CentOS 8 [X64-Legacy-cxthhhhh]" echo " 5) Rocky 8 [X64-Legacy-cxthhhhh]" echo " 6) Rocky 8 [X64-UEFI-cxthhhhh]" echo " 7) Rocky 8 [ARM64-UEFI-cxthhhhh]" echo " 8) CentOS 9 [X64-Legacy-cxthhhhh]" echo " 9) CentOS 6" echo " 10) Debian 11" echo " 11) Debian 10" echo " 12) Debian 9" echo " 13) Debian 8" echo " 14) Ubuntu 20.04" echo " 15) Ubuntu 18.04" echo " 16) Ubuntu 16.04" echo " 17) Windows Server 2022 [X64-Legacy-cxthhhhh]" echo " 18) Windows Server 2022 [X64-UEFI-cxthhhhh]" echo " 19) Windows Server 2019 [X64-Legacy-cxthhhhh]" echo " 20) Windows Server 2016 [X64-Legacy-cxthhhhh]" echo " 21) Windows Server 2012 [X64-Legacy-cxthhhhh]" echo " 22) Windows Server 2008 [X64-Legacy-cxthhhhh]" echo " 23) Windows Server 2003 [X86-Legacy-cxthhhhh]" echo " 24) Windows 10 LTSC [X64-Legacy-teddysun]" echo " 25) Windows 10 LTSC [X64-UEFI-teddysun]" echo " 26) Windows 7 x86 Lite [X86-Legacy-nat.ee]" echo " 27) Windows 7 x86 Lite [X86-Legacy-aliyun-nat.ee]" echo " 28) Windows 7 x64 Lite [X64-Legacy-nat.ee]" echo " 29) Windows 7 x64 Lite [X64-UEFI-nat.ee]" echo " 30) Windows 10 LTSC Lite [X64-Legacy-nat.ee]" echo " 31) Windows 10 LTSC Lite [X64-Legacy-aliyun-nat.ee]" echo " 32) Windows 10 LTSC Lite [X64-UEFI-nat.ee]" echo " 33) Windows Server 2003 Lite [X86-Legacy-nat.ee]" echo " 34) Windows Server 2008 Lite [X64-Legacy-nat.ee]" echo " 35) Windows Server 2008 Lite [X64-UEFI-nat.ee]" echo " 36) Windows Server 2012 Lite [X64-Legacy-nat.ee]" echo " 37) Windows Server 2012 Lite [X64-UEFI-nat.ee]" echo " 38) Windows Server 2016 Lite [X64-Legacy-nat.ee]" echo " 39) Windows Server 2016 Lite [X64-UEFI-nat.ee]" echo " 40) Windows Server 2022 Lite [X64-Legacy-nat.ee]" echo " 41) Windows Server 2022 Lite [X64-UEFI-nat.ee]" echo " 99) Custom install" echo " 0) Exit" echo -ne "nYour option: " read N case $N in 1) echo -e "nPassword: Pwd@CentOSn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR1 $DMIRROR ;; 2) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR2 $DMIRROR ;; 3) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR3 $DMIRROR ;; 4) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR4 $DMIRROR ;; 5) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR5 $DMIRROR ;; 6) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR6 $DMIRROR ;; 7) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR7 $DMIRROR ;; 8) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR8 $DMIRROR ;; 9) echo -e "n" read -r -p "Custom Password? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Press input Password: " mypasswd until [[ "$mypasswd" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9!$@#&%.]{8,16}$ ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The password does not meet the requirements." echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Please input the password again: " mypasswd done MYPASSWORD="-p ${mypasswd}";; *) MYPASSWORD="";; esac read -r -p "Custom SSH Port? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Press input Port: " mysshPort until [[ $mysshPort =~ ^[0-9]{1,5}$ ]] && [[ $mysshPort -lt 65535 ]] && [[ $mysshPort -gt 0 ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Please input the Port again: " mysshPort done MYSSHPORT="-port ${mysshPort}";; *) MYSSHPORT="";; esac echo -e "nPlease check the custom data:" if [ "$MYPASSWORD" == '' ]; then echo -e "nPassword: Minijer.com" else echo -e "nPassword: $mypasswd" fi if [ "$MYSSHPORT" == '' ]; then echo -e "nSSH Port: 22n" else echo -e "nSSH Port: $mysshPortn" fi read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..."; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh -c 6.10 -v 64 $MYPASSWORD $MYSSHPORT $NETSTR $CMIRROR ;; 10) echo -e "n" read -r -p "Custom Password? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Press input Password: " mypasswd until [[ "$mypasswd" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9!$@#&%.]{8,16}$ ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The password does not meet the requirements." echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Please input the password again: " mypasswd done MYPASSWORD="-p ${mypasswd}";; *) MYPASSWORD="";; esac read -r -p "Custom SSH Port? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Press input Port: " mysshPort until [[ $mysshPort =~ ^[0-9]{1,5}$ ]] && [[ $mysshPort -lt 65535 ]] && [[ $mysshPort -gt 0 ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Please input the Port again: " mysshPort done MYSSHPORT="-port ${mysshPort}";; *) MYSSHPORT="";; esac echo -e "nPlease check the custom data:" if [ "$MYPASSWORD" == '' ]; then echo -e "nPassword: Minijer.com" else echo -e "nPassword: $mypasswd" fi if [ "$MYSSHPORT" == '' ]; then echo -e "nSSH Port: 22n" else echo -e "nSSH Port: $mysshPortn" fi read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..."; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh -d 11 -v 64 $MYPASSWORD $MYSSHPORT $NETSTR $DMIRROR ;; 11) echo -e "n" read -r -p "Custom Password? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Press input Password: " mypasswd until [[ "$mypasswd" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9!$@#&%.]{8,16}$ ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The password does not meet the requirements." echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Please input the password again: " mypasswd done MYPASSWORD="-p ${mypasswd}";; *) MYPASSWORD="";; esac read -r -p "Custom SSH Port? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Press input Port: " mysshPort until [[ $mysshPort =~ ^[0-9]{1,5}$ ]] && [[ $mysshPort -lt 65535 ]] && [[ $mysshPort -gt 0 ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Please input the Port again: " mysshPort done MYSSHPORT="-port ${mysshPort}";; *) MYSSHPORT="";; esac echo -e "nPlease check the custom data:" if [ "$MYPASSWORD" == '' ]; then echo -e "nPassword: Minijer.com" else echo -e "nPassword: $mypasswd" fi if [ "$MYSSHPORT" == '' ]; then echo -e "nSSH Port: 22n" else echo -e "nSSH Port: $mysshPortn" fi read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..."; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh -d 10 -v 64 $MYPASSWORD $MYSSHPORT $NETSTR $DMIRROR ;; 12) echo -e "n" read -r -p "Custom Password? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Press input Password: " mypasswd until [[ "$mypasswd" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9!$@#&%.]{8,16}$ ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The password does not meet the requirements." echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Please input the password again: " mypasswd done MYPASSWORD="-p ${mypasswd}";; *) MYPASSWORD="";; esac read -r -p "Custom SSH Port? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Press input Port: " mysshPort until [[ $mysshPort =~ ^[0-9]{1,5}$ ]] && [[ $mysshPort -lt 65535 ]] && [[ $mysshPort -gt 0 ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Please input the Port again: " mysshPort done MYSSHPORT="-port ${mysshPort}";; *) MYSSHPORT="";; esac echo -e "nPlease check the custom data:" if [ "$MYPASSWORD" == '' ]; then echo -e "nPassword: Minijer.com" else echo -e "nPassword: $mypasswd" fi if [ "$MYSSHPORT" == '' ]; then echo -e "nSSH Port: 22n" else echo -e "nSSH Port: $mysshPortn" fi read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..."; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh -d 9 -v 64 $MYPASSWORD $MYSSHPORT $NETSTR $DMIRROR ;; 13) echo -e "n" read -r -p "Custom Password? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Press input Password: " mypasswd until [[ "$mypasswd" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9!$@#&%.]{8,16}$ ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The password does not meet the requirements." echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Please input the password again: " mypasswd done MYPASSWORD="-p ${mypasswd}";; *) MYPASSWORD="";; esac read -r -p "Custom SSH Port? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Press input Port: " mysshPort until [[ $mysshPort =~ ^[0-9]{1,5}$ ]] && [[ $mysshPort -lt 65535 ]] && [[ $mysshPort -gt 0 ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Please input the Port again: " mysshPort done MYSSHPORT="-port ${mysshPort}";; *) MYSSHPORT="";; esac echo -e "nPlease check the custom data:" if [ "$MYPASSWORD" == '' ]; then echo -e "nPassword: Minijer.com" else echo -e "nPassword: $mypasswd" fi if [ "$MYSSHPORT" == '' ]; then echo -e "nSSH Port: 22n" else echo -e "nSSH Port: $mysshPortn" fi read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..."; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh -d 8 -v 64 $MYPASSWORD $MYSSHPORT $NETSTR $DMIRROR ;; 14) echo -e "n" read -r -p "Custom Password? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Press input Password: " mypasswd until [[ "$mypasswd" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9!$@#&%.]{8,16}$ ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The password does not meet the requirements." echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Please input the password again: " mypasswd done MYPASSWORD="-p ${mypasswd}";; *) MYPASSWORD="";; esac read -r -p "Custom SSH Port? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Press input Port: " mysshPort until [[ $mysshPort =~ ^[0-9]{1,5}$ ]] && [[ $mysshPort -lt 65535 ]] && [[ $mysshPort -gt 0 ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Please input the Port again: " mysshPort done MYSSHPORT="-port ${mysshPort}";; *) MYSSHPORT="";; esac echo -e "nPlease check the custom data:" if [ "$MYPASSWORD" == '' ]; then echo -e "nPassword: Minijer.com" else echo -e "nPassword: $mypasswd" fi if [ "$MYSSHPORT" == '' ]; then echo -e "nSSH Port: 22n" else echo -e "nSSH Port: $mysshPortn" fi read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..."; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh -u 20.04 -v 64 $MYPASSWORD $MYSSHPORT $NETSTR $UMIRROR ;; 15) echo -e "n" read -r -p "Custom Password? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Press input Password: " mypasswd until [[ "$mypasswd" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9!$@#&%.]{8,16}$ ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The password does not meet the requirements." echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Please input the password again: " mypasswd done MYPASSWORD="-p ${mypasswd}";; *) MYPASSWORD="";; esac read -r -p "Custom SSH Port? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Press input Port: " mysshPort until [[ $mysshPort =~ ^[0-9]{1,5}$ ]] && [[ $mysshPort -lt 65535 ]] && [[ $mysshPort -gt 0 ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Please input the Port again: " mysshPort done MYSSHPORT="-port ${mysshPort}";; *) MYSSHPORT="";; esac echo -e "nPlease check the custom data:" if [ "$MYPASSWORD" == '' ]; then echo -e "nPassword: Minijer.com" else echo -e "nPassword: $mypasswd" fi if [ "$MYSSHPORT" == '' ]; then echo -e "nSSH Port: 22n" else echo -e "nSSH Port: $mysshPortn" fi read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..."; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh -u 18.04 -v 64 $MYPASSWORD $MYSSHPORT $NETSTR $UMIRROR ;; 16) echo -e "n" read -r -p "Custom Password? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Press input Password: " mypasswd until [[ "$mypasswd" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9!$@#&%.]{8,16}$ ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The password does not meet the requirements." echo -e "The password must start with character or numbers." echo -e "It can be character numbers and .!$@#&%" echo -e "Password length limit 8-16 bits. eg: Minijer@520n" read -r -p "Please input the password again: " mypasswd done MYPASSWORD="-p ${mypasswd}";; *) MYPASSWORD="";; esac read -r -p "Custom SSH Port? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Press input Port: " mysshPort until [[ $mysshPort =~ ^[0-9]{1,5}$ ]] && [[ $mysshPort -lt 65535 ]] && [[ $mysshPort -gt 0 ]] do echo -e "n" echo -e "The Port must be numeric." echo -e "The valid range is 1-65535. eg: 19100" read -r -p "Please input the Port again: " mysshPort done MYSSHPORT="-port ${mysshPort}";; *) MYSSHPORT="";; esac echo -e "nPlease check the custom data:" if [ "$MYPASSWORD" == '' ]; then echo -e "nPassword: Minijer.com" else echo -e "nPassword: $mypasswd" fi if [ "$MYSSHPORT" == '' ]; then echo -e "nSSH Port: 22n" else echo -e "nSSH Port: $mysshPortn" fi read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..."; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh -u 16.04 -v 64 $MYPASSWORD $MYSSHPORT $NETSTR $UMIRROR ;; 17) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR17 $DMIRROR ;; 18) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR18 $DMIRROR ;; 19) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR19 $DMIRROR ;; 20) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR20 $DMIRROR ;; 21) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR21 $DMIRROR ;; 22) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR22 $DMIRROR ;; 23) echo -e "nPassword: cxthhhhh.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR23 $DMIRROR ;; 24) echo -e "nPassword: Teddysun.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR24 $DMIRROR ;; 25) echo -e "nPassword: Teddysun.comn"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR25 $DMIRROR ;; 26) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR26 $DMIRROR ;; 27) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR27 $DMIRROR ;; 28) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR28 $DMIRROR ;; 29) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR29 $DMIRROR ;; 30) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR30 $DMIRROR ;; 31) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR31 $DMIRROR ;; 32) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR32 $DMIRROR ;; 33) echo -e "nPassword: WinSrv2003x86-Chinesen"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR33 $DMIRROR ;; 34) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR34 $DMIRROR ;; 34) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR35 $DMIRROR ;; 36) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR36 $DMIRROR ;; 37) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR37 $DMIRROR ;; 38) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR38 $DMIRROR ;; 39) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR39 $DMIRROR ;; 40) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR40 $DMIRROR ;; 41) echo -e "nPassword: nat.een"; read -s -n1 -p "Press any key to continue..." ; bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $SYSMIRROR41 $DMIRROR ;; 99) echo -e "n" read -r -p "Custom image URL: " imgURL echo -e "n" read -r -p "Are you sure start reinstall? [Y/n]: " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) bash /tmp/InstallNET.sh $NETSTR -dd $imgURL $DMIRROR ;; *) clear; echo "Canceled by user!"; exit 1;; esac ;; 0) exit 0;; *) echo "Wrong input!"; exit 1;; esac } SetNetwork NetMode Start